RP Consultants is dedicated to providing customized, quality services to help non profits and associations to improve their performance and support executives to carry out leadership roles in these organizations.

The Services

RP consultants offers eight service areas all directed to supporting associations and non profits improve their performance. This includes advice and assistance on benchmarking, governance, strategic planning, advocacy, benchmarking and executive development.


The Publications

The President of RP Consultants, Richard Paton, has published three books which bring together his management insights and those of other association and non profit leaders. The books are used as textbooks in his courses at the Masters in Public Policy and Administration (MPPA) at Carleton University as well as a foundation for the consulting practice.


The Courses

The two courses that have been developed by Richard Paton are: The Politics of Management: Thinking Like a Manager; and Leading Associations and Non Profits. These course are provided annually at Carleton’s MPPA program.

Richard was an outstanding President, equally comfortable working with CEOs, bureaucrats and politicians. Always working for the optimal outcome while recognizing his diverse constituents. Thanks Richard!
Steve Griffiths, Imperial Oil, CCPA Chairman 2004–2005
Richard’s knowledge of government personnel and agencies, along with his dedication and perseverance, made my job as Chairman very easy. It was a great pleasure to work with him.
Dennis Lauzon, Dow Chemical, CCPA Chairman 1998–2000
Richard discretely worked with each senior executive as they joined the Board convincing us to put our corporate interests aside and instead work for the betterment of the industry and society via Responsible Care®. His leadership was truly exemplary!
Larry MacDonald, NOVA Chemicals Corporation, CCPA Chairman 2005–2007
To me, well beyond his second-to-none planning and process skills and his grasp of member interests and concerns, Richard has always been the rock-steady embodiment of the Responsible Care® Ethic…committed to do the Right Thing and be seen to do the Right Thing – what a powerful combination for any leader!
Mike Oxley, DuPont Canada, CIAC Chairman 2012–2013
Richard has kept the Association ahead of the curve by searching out new ideas, brainstorming widely to reach consensus and organizing the resources for implementation.
R.A. (Bob) Dickinson, DELMAR CHEMICALS INC., CCPA Chairman 2002–2003
As a Board member, I was so impressed with your calm demeanor, your strategic vision, your quiet intelligence, and sage advice. Richard, you have been the impactful leader of an important organization that has ably represented the Canadian chemical industry for many, many years. I look back on that time with great fondness.
David Hillenbrand, Bayer Canada, CCPA Chairman 2001–2002
I recall the challenges and successes of my years as Chair — balanced budgets, robust succession planning, rebranding of CCPA to CIAC, and the introduction of sustainability to Responsible Care®. Thank you for making the Chairmanship so easy.
Paul Timmons, ERCO Worldwide, CIAC Chairman 2007–2010
I was Vice-Chairman of the Association when the Chair, Ian Lennox from Monsanto, and I interviewed Richard for the President’s position. It was obvious from the start that Richard stood out from the pack, so much so that Ian’s mind was made up and he left me alone to interview the final two candidates. The rest, as they say, is history.
Bernard West, Rhône-Poulenc Canada, CCPA Chairman 1996–1997